Online Tuition
Start your journey with our private one-to-one online tuition, regardless of where you live in the world. Personalised instruction makes learning at home easy and enjoyable.
Competitively priced self paced study sessions and courses using Zoom and WhatsApp. Whether you`re a complete beginner or an advance practitioner. Your training can be tailored to suit your ability or skill.
* Suitable for all levels
* Develop health, energy and grounding
* Find tranquillity in a stressful world
* Additional instructional videos, and training guides are also available, exclusively to our online students.
Some of the private one-to-one online courses we offer:
* Professor Cheng Man-Ching`s 37 step tai chi posture hand form
* Various qigong systems:
Shibashi tai chi qigong
Five animal qigong
Chen style qigong
Yang style qigong
Neigong exercises
* Tai Chi weapon forms:
54 step Yang style straight sword
Sanfeng tai chi straight sword
Sanfeng tai chi fan form
Sanfeng tai chi pole
Tai Chi walking stick
* Tai Chi form corrections
Plus much more........
If you`re serious about learning this way, please contact us through the contacts page.